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Download the new for apple FreeCAD 0.21.1

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It uses the same basic work­flow as Assem­bly 2 so users already famil­iar with that work­bench will be able to get start­ed quick­ly. A2+ Adding a con­straint in A2+Ī2+ (Assem­bly 2 Plus), an assem­bly work­bench by “kbwbe”, is intend­ed as a direct suc­ces­sor to the orig­i­nal Assem­bly 2 work­bench. The order they are pre­sent­ed here (and in the Addon Man­ag­er) is alpha­bet­i­cal, not an indi­ca­tion of pop­u­lar­i­ty or “offi­cial” endorsement. Note that although the names make it sound like one might be the suc­ces­sor of the oth­er, in fact all three are “spir­i­tu­al suc­ces­sors” to the no-longer-main­tained Assem­bly 2 work­bench.

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This arti­cle will briefly overview each.

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Three pop­u­lar options are A2+, Assem­bly 3, and Assem­bly 4. The cur­rent 0.20 release of FreeCAD does not include a built-in work­bench for assem­bling indi­vid­ual com­po­nents into a more com­plex sys­tem: instead, sev­er­al 3 rd-par­ty addons are avail­able through the Addon Man­ag­er, allow­ing indi­vid­ual users to choose the type of assem­bly pro­ce­dure they pre­fer.

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